The Transplant Fundraising Program (TFP) has been developed to assist transplant candidates and recipients in financially preparing for ongoing costs associated with transplantation, primarily medication costs and insurance premium expenses.

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Primarily a medication assistance and insurance premium plan, the Transplant Fundraising Program (TFP) assists transplant patients in preparing financially for ongoing transplant costs.

These programs provide fundraising assistance and account management for transplant funds. Financial contributions are overseen by the Georgia Transplant Foundation (GTF) staff and an advisory council providing fiscal accountability to transplant clients and their contributors. In addition, detailed information about transplant accounts, including disbursements and contributions are available to TFP clients upon request.


Click the tabs below to learn more about the two types of TFP accounts.


A matched account provides up to a maximum of a $10,000 match and are used primarily for prescription medication costs and insurance premiums. This type of account must be applied for and approved pre-transplant. Matched accounts are provided for fundraising dollars but have eligibility criteria, including: being a Georgia resident, applying pre-transplant, and exhibiting financial or insurance need. Clients with this type of account have one-year from their application approval date to raise funds eligible for the match (a maximum of $10,000).

While GTF has not established a fundraising goal for you, we do encourage you to raise $10,000 to take advantage of the full match. To assist you in this process, we provide monthly Fundraising Workshops to teach creative ways to raise money in your community.

With a matched account, you are reimbursed and matched AFTER the transplant, once you begin to buy/pay for your prescription post-transplant medications, insurance premiums, and/or approved post-transplant related expenses. You must have a fundraising account held at GTF to be eligible for the match.


Unmatched accounts are NOT matched. Unmatched accounts may be opened pre- or post- transplant and funds may be used for expanded transplant costs, such as housing and travel, as well as prescription medication expenses. You must have a fundraising account held at GTF to be eligible for this account.

While GTF has not established a fundraising goal for you, we do encourage you to raise as much money as you can, as pre- and post- transplant expenses are costly. To assist you in this process, we provide Fundraising Workshops to teach creative ways to raise money in your community.

Only expenses for prescription medications, medication co-pays and reasonable post-transplant expenses will be eligible for reimbursement by GTF program funds. These expenses are referred to as “transplant-related expenses” and described below.

TFP Accounts At a Glance

Matched Accounts Unmatched Accounts Both Accounts
Funds matched up to a maximum of $10,000, if eligible.Eligible to apply pre- and post- transplant.GTF-based personal webpage for fundraising and online donations by credit card.*
Funds are limited to $1,000 for non-medication and insurance premiums expenses.Expanded limits on non-medicine, transplant-related costs.Option of having post-transplant medications directly billed from a GTF-approved pharmacy to your TFP account.
Application and approval required pre-transplant.Funds available for reasonable pre-and post-transplant related expenses.Monthly fundraising and bi-monthly tech workshops.
On-going fundraising advise and support.
Reimbursement processed within thirty (30) business days of receipt.

*GTF charges a 3% administrative fee for each deposit made to your GTF account. There is a minimal bank fee of an average of 5.25% per transaction charged to the TFP client for credit card donations and processing.


Click the rows below to learn more about the TFP program guidelines.



Step 1: Complete the Application

Completely fill out the Transplant Fundraising Program Application - either by downloading it and emailing* it as a PDF (, faxing it (678-666-1371), mailing it it, or online (below). In order for your application to be considered for review, you MUST include the following supporting documents:

  1. Proof of Georgia residency during the last six (6) months prior to the application date (this can be one of the following: a copy of your driver's license issued at least six months prior; a six month old document with your current address, such as a bank statement or utility bill).
    • If you are applying for an unmatched account and do not reside in Georgia, you must provide proof that you are being transplanted at a hospital in Georgia.
  2. Proof of current household income (this can be one of the following: a Social Security Income statement; your most recent pay stub; or a copy of your most recent Federal Income Tax Return).

*Please note that the fastest and best way to complete your application is to fill it out online, or sending it to GTF by fax or email. If you decide to send it by mail, please be aware that it could take more than a month to reach the GTF office due to issues with the USPS.


Step 2: Verify Status & Review

  • GTF contacts your transplant center to verify your transplant status.
  • After the transplant center verifies transplant status, the completed application goes to a Review Committee.

Step 3: Approval Status Letter

  • After the Committee meets and reviews the application, a letter regarding approval status is sent within thirty (30) business days to the applicant's address (as indicated on the application).

Step 4: Sign and Mail Client Agreement

  • If approved, you are required to sign and send back the Client Agreement Form agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Transplant Fundraising Program.
  • You are NOT enrolled in the program until the signed Contractual Agreement is received by GTF.
  • Note: this must be completed pre-transplant for a matched account.

Step 5: Account Activation

  • Once GTF receives back the signed Contractual Agreement from you, your account will be active.
  • At that point, your TFP Welcome Kit and Fundraising Manual will be sent to you. These contain additional information about your account and the program (including: how to make your TFP account deposits, how people can donate to you, setting up your GTF personal webpage, etc.).


You must complete this application to the best of your ability and provide all supporting documents in order to be reviewed for assistance.  Please note: you can click "Save and Continue Later" at the bottom of the page, which will provide you with a link to access your application for 30 days. If you misplace this link or take longer than 30 days, you will lose any information previously entered.