Posts Tagged ‘voices’
Michael Roberts: JumpStarting Career and Confidence
Michael Roberts’ life began with a heavy burden, diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and high blood pressure at just two weeks old. But through the love and support of…
Read MoreSpotlight: Daly “Perfect Match” Scholarship
Connie Daly’s life took a tumultuous turn in 2003 with a diagnosis that shattered her world: chronic kidney disease. Through the ensuing years of grueling treatments and medications, her quest…
Read MoreLexi’s Lifeline: A Story of Hope and Resilience
When Lexi McCullough began feeling unwell, her father, Toby, initially chalked it up to “normal cold stuff.” With a cough in the midst of winter, it seemed like a typical…
Read MoreSpotlight: Mallory Smith Legacy Scholarship
For months leading into her senior year of high school, Mallory Smith did not feel quite right. Doctors struggled to find an answer as to what was plaguing her. Her…
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