Gây quỹ cho nhu cầu cấy ghép
Các Hội thảo gây quỹ được tổ chức bởi Tổ chức Ghép tạng Georgia để giúp các ứng viên và người nhận nội tạng tạo và tổ chức một chiến dịch gây quỹ thành công sau khi họ được nhận vào Chương trình Gây quỹ Cấy ghép (TFP). The workshop covers the important issues in developing a plan for how to live successfully with a transplanted organ, including: planning for post-transplant medications and other needs through successful fundraising. The class teaches grass roots fundraising, organizing a fundraising committee and creating ideas for fundraising events.
The Fundraising Workshops are free to attend and taught every other month in the Atlanta area, at the GTF office, as well as at each Trends iN Transplant (TNT) Conference around the state. Workshops are conducted in a hybrid-fashion: in-person at our offices in Roswell and virtually through Zoom.
In 2025, our Hybrid Fundraising Workshops will be offered on:
- Wednesday, January 29
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, May 28
- Tuesday, July 8
- Wednesday, September 17
- Tuesday, November 11
To register to attend (virtually or in-person) please fill out the form below.
Please fill out the form below to register for the next TFP Fundraising Workshop.